Recette: Appétissant Energy balls

Energy balls. This was my first time making "no bake" energy balls or bars, and it was so easy! I was wondering how to store these, but then I read the submitter's comments and noticed to store them in an airtight container in the fridge. Hoping the kids will like these for.

Energy balls They are also filling and, best of all, absolutely delicious. They are good for about a week. Energy balls go by a variety of different names; energy bites, protein balls, power balls, and vegan truffles being but a few. Vous pouvez avoir Energy balls utilisant 4 Ingrédients et 3 instructions. Voici comment vous réalisez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Energy balls

  1. C'est 100 gr of d'abricots secs.
  2. C'est 100 gr of mélange de noix, amandes,noisettes.
  3. C'est 50 of de lait.
  4. Préparer 50 gr of flocons d'avoine.

There are dozens of recipes for energy balls across the web, several of which can be found on a certain website that rhymes with "swell dated." Absolutely! Energy balls are typically fine for up to one week in the fridge. One batch rarely lasts that long in our house! If you want to freeze energy balls for later, make a double or triple batch.

Energy balls petit à petit de recette

  1. Mettre le tout dans votre robot,le companion pour moi et mixer jusqu a ce que ça forme une boule de pâte.
  2. Prelevez en et formez une boule avec, mettre sur une assiette et au frais au moins 1h.
  3. Et voilà ! Idéal pour les sportifs.

Put some in an airtight container in your fridge for that week. Place the remaining energy balls on a baking sheet in a single layer. Protein Powder - for the basic energy ball recipe, I use vanilla protein powder. Chocolate protein powder is also delicious, and my personal favorite way to switch things up is to use half vanilla and half chocolate protein powder. These tasty energy bites are made with whole food ingredients, like dates, nuts and whole grains, and are packed with flavor.


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